Please read this disclaimer carefully before using Our Platform. By accessing and using Our Platform, you acknowledge and agree to the following disclaimers and limitations of liability.

  • We will not be liable for any delay or failure to render the Services resulting from any Force Majeure Event.
  • You may access Our Platform at Your own risk. We are not responsible or liable for any loss or damage (including injuries, death, or loss of property) that You or anyone else may suffer while accessing Our Platform.
  • You agree that Our Platform may contain third-party advertisements and links to websites/services owned and operated by Our affiliates and/ or third parties ("Third Party Content"). We do not endorse the Third-Party Content or services of any third parties included on Our platform. We cannot guarantee the accuracy, reliability or quality of such Third-Party Content. Your reliance on Third Party Content is at Your own risk. Any claims that You have regarding Third-Party Content should be directed to the third party in question.
  • We will not be held responsible for any issues with the storage, deletion, delivery, or accessibility of information or materials to the extent allowed by law.
  • We do not provide any warranty for Our Content, which is provided on an "as is, as available basis".
  • We are not responsible for any errors or inaccuracies in the team starting line-up data provided on Our Platform, as it is obtained from external sources or publicly available information.
  • We are not responsible for any inaccuracies in calculating points or the selection of winners due to inaccurate or incomplete information received from any third-party service provider.
  • We make no representations or warranties regarding the quality, suitability or merchantability of any prizes and are not liable with respect to the same.
  • We will not be liable for your inability to access Our Platform for any reason beyond our control such as network outage, telecommunication failure, internet suspension, virus, malware etc.
  • We are not responsible for any errors in communication, or omissions in communication, including any errors made by You, which may prevent the results from being communicated to You.
  • We are not liable for any consequences arising from You sharing any confidential information including but not limited to OTP with any other person.